Setting e-Form RS Program Options

On the Program Options screen, you can configure your default Startup Page, how you would like to view forms, customize font size, currency fields, date/time stamp, computing settings for forms along with the top-toolbar display styles.

  1. Under Options & Security menu and click Program Options.
    The Program Options screen is displayed.
  2. Select your options using the check boxes and radio buttons.
  3. After you have made the necessary edits, click Save Settings from the top toolbar.
  4. Use the Restore Default Settings options from the top toolbar to revert back to e-Form RS default settings.

Note: All settings on this page will remain specific to the local workstation. Settings related to Forms will apply to all available forms. To apply settings for a specific form, see Using Form-Specific Page Level Options.

Program Options lets you change the settings for the following: